Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forever and Always Love You

wht i feel rght now??is just around you
i just want you,,,
defineatly hurt,,but why?why you come to my life?

skrg yg tak tanyain,,why why why why?
emg aku toko yang byka 24 jam,,lu bisa masuk seenak2nya?
toko2 aja butuh wktu istirahat koq,,
gw jg butuh wktu break,,untk ngga ngerasaain n mikiriu u

tp tiap ngga mau mikir,,ada aja hubungann nya sama u,,
entah kata2 apa,,yang ada hub nya ama lu,,
so pitty grace,,

dulu pertama aku mikir itu cm perasaan sesaaat
but????its not,,,ii feel so comfort with u
and share bout everything i have
but you??i dont think so,,,

this feeling so hurt me,,
you very2 different person,,
why?u stay away from me

kalo mau jauhin blg aja donk,,,
ngga usah buat org mikir neg think macem2,,,

but forget it lah,,,
mgkn mmg you are not my MR.RIGHT
BUT now i cant say goodbye to
i'm still waiting but,,,tp ngga kek dulu


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

thingking of you^^

Oh My God,,,hari ini cape bgttt,,hux hux,,
ujiann innov killing me softly,,gag d ya yang kata2nya simple aja,,
tuh guru terlalu jenius,apa exicted bgt sech?? GEJE ~~

udah ujian susah,,,di bajak sama tkg repair PS,,
yang bener aja tuh repair sampe 220 ringgit
r u pirate me??Huff~~~
mendingan aku bli yg baru,,or shopping mumpung diskon,,
dasar nech,,
udah gt slot memori masih gag bener,,
gag bisa baca cd dgn cepat,,,
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh nooooooooooooooo
ditipu kek nya aku...
wht should i do??

di saat seperti ini nih,,yang ngga aku sng
jd inget someone,,,hux hux,,
arghhhhhhhhhhhhh tidakk tidak,,,

aku nd mau,,pergi jauh2 donk
thts feeling so hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but if i follow tht feel,,
yeah right,,,
i'm fall in love with you,,
wht can i said ha??
just tht i can?
cannot reach you meh?
so pitty me! HAHAHAHHAHA
(ktawa ngga ikhlas kek nya) LOL ^^

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mid term^^

HUaaaa....Blajar2,,,mid term mid termm,,
mana blom blajar sama skali lagi,,aduhh2x
managerial accouting ~21 march
business law ~30 march
innovation ~18 march
management ~4 april
marketing ~21 march

mid term kill me softly,,,
kyakakakakakaka ^^
kek lagu aja seh,,
serem atuh yach??

mana smuanya hapalan lagi,,
gmn bisa masuk yach dlm satu malem ??
dibakar trus diminum sama jus gt?
or gmn nech?

ada yang punya pen yang nyiptain nila 100 kagak?A++
kalo mau gw beli dah,,,

lalalalalalala gw nyanyi aja deh,,
Girl Just Wanna Have Fun
hoo hoo hoo ou ou ou,,,,,,,,
(Miley Cyrus)

peace yAw

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


galzzz,,,,,,,kangen sama kaliaan,,,
kapan yach dewe sa kumpul ber 8,,komplit gt,,
pasti ada salah satu dr dewe seng nd pulank ya?hix hix,,,
kangen nongkrong di florian ber jam2,,cm buat capsa or ngobrol2,,
trus bbx d rumahe xeno brg2,,,
makan pizza,,ntn film sampe pagi
wkwkwkwkw ^^

naek jazz'e xeno org 8,,
ntn one liter of tears di kelas kosong,,
miss u galzzz..........
hux hux hux,,,
palagi yach,,
bgg lalalalala,,,,,,,,
intine kangen ma kalian smuaaaaa


High School ^^ my precious moment

huaaaa,kangen masa2 SMA nich,,hux2x

mau balik lagi donk ke sma,,trutama kelas 2 SMA,,XIS2( best class)

klasnya kompak,heboh,rame,,seep lah,,

kpn nech reuni SMA ,,yang sos donk ,masa ipa mulu yang reuni ha3x

ke bandungan,BBQ party,slumber party,farewell party,,

arghhh tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,,,,,,,,,,,

bener2 buat tambah kangen,,,

tp kalo balik ke sma 3 juga okz kq,

graduation?semaleman suntuk d skul,sampe pagi buta,,

karaoke,nongkrong d rotbak,,

y ampunnn,,,

bnr2 kangen bgt,,

cabut dr kelas nya pak wi,,capsa,

ntn film,narsis2,,maen futsal ala ce2 sos 2...=p

trus palagi yach??sms an wktu ulangan si ngo2

beuhhhhh keren,,,

di kelas,,lempar2an bakpau coklat

ampun dah,,,

tom2 mau donk lemparin bakpau coklat keju,,


nge gym brg2,,nge gym ala kadarnya,krn pel olahraga

makan di kantin,,GGS,,

pangsit di tante bakso,,,


dah lama juga nd ke kartur,,

tp dah banyak seng brubah sih,,

hufff,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,alumni 2007 is the BEST,,,

loph u guyss,,,,,,,,,,,

misss u so so so so muchhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

XIs2 & XIIs4

the best moment i have,,

Monday, March 2, 2009

Single VS In a Relationship

hmm ngmg2 soal in a relationship nich??kpn ya gw dpt jodoh??
Wkwkwkwkw ^^ bodo de,,jodoh mah dtgn sendiri,,
kalo dicari2 kagak ktemu2,,
tp kalo single molo garing juga yax..^^

single tuch ada enk nya juga:
1.bisa liat sana sini,,tanem gebetan sebnyk2ny,,mumpung blm ada gandengan,,
2.ngga terikat sama si dia,,
3.ngga harus stess berpikir macem2,,apalagi kalo LD,,

relationship enk ny:
1.ada yang care n jagain kita
2.bisa diajakin share,,apalagi numpahin unek2,,=p

humphhh kesimpulannya,,ada enk n gag enk nya,,
yang pasti bisa menerima pasangan apa adanya,,
gag d jaim2an,,,y kalo pertama sih ok yach
kalo kelamaan ,boonk tuuh namanya,,
gag bisa jd diri sendiri hehehehe ^^

cinta tuh real,,just fell and follow your heart,,
thats it,,simple right??

Saturday, February 21, 2009

please just be yourself!!

please deh just be your self ,,
be honest,,dont be a liar,,
i know who you are,,
don t be somebody else,,if you want to hide your pesonality

so hurt to know you be like that
wht kind of part,you didn t know?
part 1 or part 2,,or the other part?

so silly,,okey??
just think bout it,,

7 things i hate bout you

7 things i hate the most that you do,,
you make me love you...
every morning when i breathe,,every night when i close my eyes
cant stop thingking of you,,

the precious moment we're made
is like a mini series,get a lot of part
this is a real love??
yeah,,maybe i fall in love with you

nobody,,i just want you
i hope someday u realize,,

X.O.X.O ^^

Thursday, February 19, 2009

wht is friendship??

apa sih arti tmn tuch??
pasti mikire tmn tuh cuma buat hangout&hav fun,,
not enough i think
so wht do you think guys??????

Love Story

We were both young when I first saw you

I close my eyes

And the flashback starts

I'm standing there

On a balcony of summer air

See the lights,

See the party, the ball gowns

I see you make your way through the crowd

You say hello

Little did I know

That you were Romeo you were throwing pebbles

And my daddy said stay away from Juliet

And I was crying on the staircase

Begging you please don't go, and I said:

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone

I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

It's a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you

We keep quiet cause we're dead if they know

So close your eyes

Escape this town for a little while

Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter

And my daddy said stay away from Juliet

But you were everything to me

I was begging you please don't go and I said:

Romeo take me somewhere we can be aloneI

'll be waiting all there's left to do is run

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

It's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel

This love is difficult, but it's real,

Don't be afraidWe'll make it out of this mess

It's a love story baby just say yes, oh,

I got tired of waiting

Wondering if you were ever coming around

My faith in you was fading

When I met you on the outskirts of town I said:

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone

I keep waiting for you but you never come

Is this in my head, I don't know what to think

He knealt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said:

Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone

I love you and that's all I really know

I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress

It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Cause we were both young when I first saw you