Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forever and Always Love You

wht i feel rght now??is just around you
i just want you,,,
defineatly hurt,,but why?why you come to my life?

skrg yg tak tanyain,,why why why why?
emg aku toko yang byka 24 jam,,lu bisa masuk seenak2nya?
toko2 aja butuh wktu istirahat koq,,
gw jg butuh wktu break,,untk ngga ngerasaain n mikiriu u

tp tiap ngga mau mikir,,ada aja hubungann nya sama u,,
entah kata2 apa,,yang ada hub nya ama lu,,
so pitty grace,,

dulu pertama aku mikir itu cm perasaan sesaaat
but????its not,,,ii feel so comfort with u
and share bout everything i have
but you??i dont think so,,,

this feeling so hurt me,,
you very2 different person,,
why?u stay away from me

kalo mau jauhin blg aja donk,,,
ngga usah buat org mikir neg think macem2,,,

but forget it lah,,,
mgkn mmg you are not my MR.RIGHT
BUT now i cant say goodbye to
i'm still waiting but,,,tp ngga kek dulu


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